Not To Do List
While Anna has been driving herself crazy with Lists of Things to Do over at Little Red Boat, I decided that as an antidote I would have an antilist. So here is my Not To Do list, so far.
1. Go shopping regularly
2. Run too far with my iPod*
3. Keep banging my head on the same shelf in the kitchen
4. Leave the pub before closing
5. Watch football quietly
6. Put the milk in before taking the Tea-Bag out
It's a work-in-progress, but has more more of a feel-good factor than a To Do list don't you think?
* Went out again without a swanky armband yesterday. Decided to action point 1 on the list and didn't buy one. Legs in working order though, (as far as I can tell). I must be forgiven. Switched the playlist order so Joy Division comes on during the big uphill. Inspired!